How to Connect Linovision LoRaWAN Gateway to HTTP(s) Server?

Tom Yao


Linovision LoRaWAN gateways support sending data packets to third party MQTT/HTTP/HTTPS server. We can create a new application on gateway, which can define the method of decoding the data sent from LoRaWAN end-device and choosing HTTP(S) data transport protocol to send data to HTTP(s) server.





  • Linovison LoRaWAN Gateway: IOT-G6x, IOT-G8x
  • HTTP/HTTPS Server



Step1. Enable the gateway built-in network server.

Go to Packet Forwarder > General to enable the localhost server address.



Enable the Network server on Network Server > General page.




Step2. Add an Application and Profiles.

Go to Network Server > Applications to add a new application, then click save.

Name: user-defined, arbitrary value

Description: user-defined, arbitrary value

Payload Codec: None or custom your decoder



Go to Network Server>Profiles to add a new profile, then click save.

Name: user-defined, arbitrary value

Max TXPower: default value

Other parameters can be checked from LoRaWAN nodes user guides or you can keep all settings by default.




Step3. Add LoRaWAN nodes to the gateway.

Go to Network Server > Device, add a new device, click save&apply.

Device Name: user-defined, arbitrary value

Description: user-defined, arbitrary value

Device-Profile: choose one of corresponding profiles added before.

Application: choose one of corresponding applications added before.

Other values can be confirmed with the LoRaWAN node manufacturers.


When the status of it is “activated”, that’s mean above steps are done correctly.




Step4. Forward data to HTTP(s) server.

Go to Network Server > Applications to add a “data transmission” for the application.



Fill in the HTTP(s) URL information for each data type, click save.

Uplink data: the URL address to receive all uplink data.

Join notification: the URL address to receive join notification.

ACK notification: the URL address to receive all ACK notification.

Error notification: the URL address to receive all error notification.



Note: If there is user credentials when we access to HTTP(s) server, please add HTTP header, and fill in correct account and password.



If we get data packet on the corresponding URL of HTTP server like below, that’s mean we have connected with HTTP server successfully.



Note: The difference of forwarding data to HTTPS server is that you need upload related gateway certification on your HTTPS server (Contact Linovision to get certification).



Q1. Why did the server not receive the data sent by the gateway?

A1: Go to Maintenance > Tools > Ping, confirm the gateway can ping to the HTTP address you filled in successfully like below, then check all of above values filled in are correct.




Q2. How to send decoded data packet to HTTP/HTTPS server?

A2: Refer to How to Use Payload Codec on Linovision Gateway.

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How to Remotely Control Devices via MQTT on Linovision Gateway

Tom Yao


When working as embedded network server, Linovision LoRaWAN gateways support both sending data packets to third party MQTT/HTTP/HTTPS server or receiving the downlink commands to transfer to LoRaWAN end devices.



  • Linovision LoRaWAN Gateway: IOT-G56, IOT-G63 V1, IOT-G65, IOT-G67, IOT-G8x (Firmware version or later)
  • MQTT Server/Broker
  • MQTT Client tool: take MQTT Explorer as example



Step1Connect gateway to MQTT broker.

Refer article How to Connect LoRaWAN Gateway to MQTT Broker?to connect gateway to MQTT broker and ensure the broker and MQTT client can receive uplinks from devices.


Step2Send Downlink Command from Gateway

Set the gateway to send downlink commands to device directly to check if the device can receive the downlink commands and take actions.

Device EUI: the device EUI to send downlink commands

Type: downlink command type. For Linovision devices, please select hex type.

Payload: downlink command content (get from device manufacturer). For Linovision devices, please refer to downlink command contents on corresponding user guides

Port: application port of device. It is 85 by default for Linovision devices.

Confirmed: after enabled, the device will send confirmed packet back to gateway if it receives the command. If not receive, the gateway will resend the downlink command 3 times at most.

Note: for class A type devices, the gateway will add the command to queue and send it when the class A device send uplinks.




Step3. Publish Topic on MQTT Explorer to send downlink data to device. 

Set a Downlink Data topic. If you need to send MQTT downlink to specific device, please add “$deveui” on the topic.

Example: /linovision/downlink/$deveui



Publish Topic Format :


Example :

From the gateway, we can get the device EUI about the device we want to control:



So we can publish a topic on the MQTT Explorer like below:

Topic: /linovision/downlink/24e124126a148401

Format: json


send as below format and replace the data content as downlink command

{"confirmed": true, "fport": 85, "data": "CQEA/w=="}


After click Publish, we can go to Network Server > Packets to check. If the gateway have subscribe corresponding downlink topic data successfully, there will be at least one grayed message packet record.



Linovision Device Command Examples

The MQTT downlink command format is fixed as below:

"confirmed": true,       //Set as true or false
"fport": 85,            //application port of device
"data": "BwAA/w=="    //base64 format downlink command

For Linovision devices, click here to convert hex format command to base64 format. Here are Linovision controller common commands:



Command (Hex)

Command (base64)


Set GPIO1 low

Set GPIO1 high

Set GPIO2 low

Set GPIO2 high







Set DO1 low

Set DO1 high

Set DO2 low

Set DO2 high







Set DO1 low

Set DO1 high

Set DO2 low

Set DO2 high








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How to Connect LoRaWAN Gateway to MQTT Broker?

Tom Yao


When working as embedded network server, Linovision LoRaWAN gateways support sending data packets to third party MQTT/HTTP/HTTPS server. We can create a new application on gateway, which can define the method of decoding the data sent from LoRaWAN end-device and choosing MQTT data transport protocol to send data to MQTT server.




  •  LoRaWAN Gateway: IOT-G8x (Firmware version or later), IOT-G65, IOT-G67, IOT-G56, IOT-G63 V1
  • MQTT Server/Broker
  • MQTT client tool: take MQTT Explorer as example



Step1. Enable the gateway built-in network server.

Go to Packet Forwarder > General to enable the localhost server address.



Enable the Network server on Network Server > General page.




Step2. Add an Application

Go to Network Server>Applications to add a new application, click save.

Name: user-defined, arbitrary value

Description: user-defined, arbitrary value





Step3. Connect gateway to MQTT broker.

Go to Network Server > Applications to add a “data transmission” for the application. One application can add only one MQTT integration.






Fill in the MQTT broker information and create topic to store different data type, click save.

Broker Address: IP address/domain of MQTT broker

Broker Port: communication port of MQTT broker

Client ID: user-defined, a unique ID identity of the client to the server.

User Credentials and TLS should be enabled and configured as required.

Note: if MQTT broker is HiveMQ, please do enable TLS and set the option as CA signed server certificate.



After MQTT configuration complete, you can check connection status here:



Step4. Add LoRaWAN nodes to the gateway.

Go to Network Server>Profiles to add a new profile, then click save. You can also use pre-defined profiles.

Name: user-defined, arbitrary value

Max TXPower: default value

Other parameters can be checked from LoRaWAN nodes user guide or you can keep all settings by default.




Go to Network Server>Device to add a new device, click Save&Apply.

Device Name: user-defined, arbitrary value

Description: user-defined, arbitrary value

Device-Profile: choose one of corresponding profiles added before.

Application: choose one of corresponding applications added before.

Other parameters can be confirmed with the LoRaWAN node manufacturers.



When the status shows as below, that’s mean above steps are done correctly.




Step5. Add uplink data topic.

Customize the uplink data to publish to MQTT broker and save the settings. If you add “$deveui” on your topic, you can replace it as real device EUI when subscribing topics. 

Example: /linovision/uplink/$deveui





Step6. Subscribe topic from MQTT client to get uplinks.

MQTT explorer is a comprehensive MQTT client and it can be replaced to other kinds of MQTT client tools(MQTT.fx, MQTT Box, etc.)

Open the MQTT Explorer, and fill in related MQTT server information in the popup window.

Name: user-defined

Protocol: mqtt://

Host: MQTT broker address

Port: broker port

User name/Password: if there is user credentials, please fill in it. If not, keep them blank.



Click ADVANCED,copy the Uplink data topic on the gateway, and paste it on the MQTT explorer, click +ADD.




Keep MQTT client ID by default,then click BACK and click CONNECT.



After while, the data will be forwarded to MQTT broker and the MQTT Exploerer can receive the data from MQTT server.


The uplink format is fixed as json and the content is as below.


  "applicationID": 1,                   // application ID
  "applicationName": "cloud",           // application name
  "deviceName": "24e1641092176759",     // device name
  "devEUI": "24e1641092176759",         // device EUI
  "time": "2020-0327T12:39:05.547336Z", // uplink receive time
  "rxInfo": [                           // lorawan gateway information related to lora
      "mac": "24e124fffef021be",        // ID of the receiving gateway
      "rssi": -57,                      // signal strength (dBm)
      "loRaSNR": 10,                    // signal to noise ratio
      "name": "local_gateway",          // name of the receiving gateway
      "latitude": 0,                    // latitude of the receiving gateway
      "longitude": 0,                   // longitude of the receiving gateway
      "altitude": 0                     // altitude of the receiving gateway
  "txInfo": {                           // lorawan node tx info
    "frequency": 868300000,             // frequency used for transmission
    "dataRate": {
      "modulation": "LORA",             // LORA module
      "bandwidth": 125,                 // bandwidth used for transmission
      "spreadFactor": 7                 // spreadFactor used for transmission
    "adr": false,                       // device ADR status
    "codeRate": "4/5"                   // code rate
  "fCnt": 0,                            // frame counter
  "fPort": 85,                          // application port
  "data": "AWcAAAJoAA=="                // base64 encoded payload (decrypted)



If you need to send downlink commands from MQTT client, please refer to article How to Remotely Control Devices via MQTT on Linovision Gateway.




Q1.How to send decoded or customize uplink content to MQTT broker?

A1:  Yes, this needs to use Payload Codec feature on the gateway. Reference articles:

IOT-G56/G65/G67: How to Use Payload Codec on Linovision Gateway

IOT-G63 V1/G8x: How to Use Payload Codec on Linovision Gateway (Old)


Q2.What’s the troubleshooting when the status of MQTT server connection is “Disconnected”.




1) Go to Maintenance > Tools >Ping , check if the gateway can ping to the broker address successfully.




2) Check if your MQTT client tool can connect to MQTT broker well, then follow the settings of MQTT client tool to configure the gateway.
3) Check if the gateway MQTT client ID is conflict with other MQTT clients.
4) Check if CPU load is too high, and if there is little available RAM and eMMC.
5) Change the log severity to Debug and replicate the disconnection problem, then download all log files and send them to




Q3.Why the connection status shows “connected” but MQTT client does not receive any data?
1)Ensure the devices has been added to gateway and go to Network Server > Packets to check if there are uplink packets from devices regularly.
2) Ensure the devices has been added to the correct Application.
3) Ensure the gateway firmware is upgraded to latest version. 
4) Change the log severity to Debug and replicate the disconnection problem, then download all log files and send them to



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PoE Power Sourcing Equipment (PSE) FAQs

Tom Yao

To enhance comprehension of the PoE network system, it is essential to become acquainted with the PoE devices, as the initially published IEEE802.3af standard categorized Power over Ethernet (PoE) technology into two primary types of power devices: power sourcing equipment (PSE), which supplies power over the Ethernet cable, and powered devices (PD), which receive the power. Presented below is an introduction to power sourcing equipment and a selection of frequently asked questions.

Q: What Is PoE PSE?

A: PoE PSE, an acronym for Power Sourcing Equipment in Power over Ethernet (PoE) systems, represents the equipment responsible for delivering power to PoE PDs (Powered Devices). PoE PSEs detect and categorize the connected PoE devices, monitor power consumption, and allocate power to the devices based on their specific power requirements.

Q: What Are the Differences Between PoE PD and PoE PSE?

A: In a Power over Ethernet (PoE) system, two fundamental elements exist: PoE PD (Powered Device) and PoE PSE (Power Sourcing Equipment).

  • PoE PSE (Power Sourcing Equipment): PoE PSE denotes the equipment supplying power to PoE PDs. It can take the form of a PoE switch or a PoE injector. The PoE PSE injects power into the Ethernet cable, alongside data signals, enabling connected PoE PDs to receive both power and data through a single cable. It serves as the power source for PoE devices.

  • PoE PD (Powered Device): PoE PD refers to the device that draws power from the PoE network infrastructure. It encompasses various device types, such as IP phones, wireless access points, IP cameras, and network switches. The PoE PD consumes power from the PoE PSE, allowing it to operate without the need for a separate power source. Typically, it features an Ethernet input for data communication and a power input to receive power from the PoE PSE.

Q: What Are the Common PoE PSEs?

A: PoE PSE (Power Sourcing Equipment) is vital for providing power to PoE-enabled devices in a network. Although the variety of PoE PSE devices is more limited compared to the diverse range of PoE PDs, there are several commonly deployed types in modern PoE networks. These include PoE switches, PoE injectors, PoE NVRs (Network Video Recorders), and PoE media converters. Here is an overview of these commonly used PoE PSE devices:


  • PoE Switch: The PoE network switch integrates PoE injection, allowing it to transmit both data and power over a single Ethernet cable directly to the connected PD.

  • PoE Injector: PoE injector is used to add PoE capability to regular non-PoE network connections. It injects power into the data stream originating from a non-PoE switch and delivers both power and data to the PD via an Ethernet cable.

  • PoE NVR: PoE NVR (Network Video Recorder) incorporates built-in PoE injection. It is commonly employed in IP video surveillance systems, responsible for encoding and processing video data from IP cameras and recording it for storage and remote viewing. The PoE NVR can also supply power to IP cameras via Ethernet cables.

  • PoE Media Converter: PoE media converter facilitates the connection between fiber cabling and a copper network while concurrently providing PoE power to PoE PDs like IP cameras and VoIP phones.

  • PoE Splitter: The PoE splitter is capable of delivering power, but its primary function is to provide power to non-PoE terminal devices. It accomplishes this by splitting power from the data stream and delivering it to the non-PoE device through a separate power supply cable. PoE splitters are advantageous for deploying remote non-PoE devices without nearby AC outlets.

Q: Do I Still Need A PoE Injector if I Have a PoE Switch?

A: If you have a PoE switch, there is no requirement for a PoE injector. When utilizing a standard PoE switch, the power connection is already included, rendering the use of an injector unnecessary. However, if you are utilizing a non-PoE switch, a PoE injector becomes essential for supplying power to PoE PDs like IP cameras, as non-PoE switches do not provide power to PoE devices. It is worth noting that PoE injectors are typically suitable for smaller-scale PoE networks with only a few PDs. For networks with a larger number of PDs, opting for a PoE switch is a more advantageous choice.

Q: Can I Use A PoE Switch with NVR?

A: Yes, you can. A PoE switch not only functions as a hub but also has the capability to provide power to an NVR (Network Video Recorder) without requiring an external power source or additional power cables. This feature significantly reduces installation costs and simplifies cabling complexity, as both power and video can be transmitted over a single Cat5 cable.

Q: Can I Use a Media Converter with PoE Switch?

A: Certainly. It is true that PoE switches have a distance limitation of 100 meters for Ethernet cables. However, when we need to extend beyond this limit, a PoE media converter becomes an excellent solution. A PoE media converter addresses the distance challenge by providing a copper-to-fiber connectivity solution. It serves as the PoE PSE on the copper side, enabling the powering of PDs while extending the network over fiber optic cables to reach greater distances. This allows us to overcome the 100-meter limitation of PoE switches.

Q: Can I Use a PoE Splitter as a PoE Injector?

A: No, PoE splitters and PoE injectors are distinct types of PoE devices that can often lead to confusion. As mentioned earlier, PoE injectors are utilized with non-PoE switches to provide power to PoE devices connected to them. On the other hand, PoE splitters are used in conjunction with PoE PSEs (Power Sourcing Equipment) and separate the data and power signals onto separate cables for non-PoE devices.

To provide a clearer understanding, please refer to the accompanying figure which illustrates the typical applications of PoE splitters and PoE injectors:


With the increasing need for streamlined installations and the recent adoption of standards to support a broader range of smart devices, the adoption of Power over Ethernet (PoE) technology is anticipated to witness significant growth in the future. Consequently, it becomes crucial for us to gain a comprehensive understanding of the aforementioned PoE PSE devices, particularly when making purchasing decisions for establishing PoE networks. This knowledge will enable us to make informed choices and effectively build PoE infrastructure to meet our requirements.

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RS485 Modbus 7-in-1 Ultrasonic Weather Station

Tom Yao

IOT-S300WS7 is an ultimate all-in-one RS485 Modbus weather monitoring system for various and continuous atmospheric conditions including air temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, light intensity, rainfall(optical), wind speed, and wind direction (ultrasonic). It boasts high resolution and accuracy with rugged and aesthetic housing.


Outstanding Features

  • All-in-One Weather Station - This weather monitoring system is designed to monitor various and continuous atmospheric conditions, including air temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, light intensity, precipitation intensity, wind speed, and wind direction.
  • RS485 Compatibility - The output signal is RS485, the standard Modbus-RTU communication protocol, which supports changing the communication address and wave special rate and other functions. And RS485 support as far as 1200 meters communication. while supports secondary development and is widely used.
  • Ultrasonic Sensor - For precise measurement, the sensors to measure wind speed and wind direction use ultrasound instead of traditional mechanical 3-cup or vane anemometer.
  • Greater Stability - Radiation shields are equipped to ensure accurate ambient measurement.
  • Built-in Heater - Integrated heaters that can be switched on in extreme weather.
  • Embedded with the Electronic Compass - Magnetometer: enabling easy installation and you can choose to disable the electronic compass while orienting to the North manually.


  • Weather monitoring for agriculture, meteorology, forestry, ports, railways, schools, and buildings, etc.

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What Is a PoE Injector and How to Use It?

Tom Yao

Power over Ethernet (PoE) technology allows the transmission of power and data over Ethernet cabling, using devices such as PoE switches, PoE injectors, and PoE splitters. In situations where power outlets are not readily available, PoE injectors offer a convenient solution for installing low-power devices in hard-to-reach areas without significant infrastructure modifications or budget constraints. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of PoE injectors, including their definition, usage in applications, and answers to frequently asked questions.

What is a PoE Injector?

A PoE injector, also known as a midspan or PoE adapter, enables non-PoE compatible switches to power PoE devices by delivering both power and data over a single Ethernet cable.

Benefits of PoE Injectors:

  • Easy installation: Simply connect the PoE injector to the PoE endpoint and an Ethernet switch to provide data and power.
  • Network expansion flexibility: PoE injectors add PoE capability to non-PoE Ethernet switches, extending the network connection distance and providing combined power and data over Ethernet cables for improved connectivity.
  • Cost-effective solution: By utilizing existing Ethernet equipment and cabling infrastructure, implementing a PoE injector solution minimizes additional costs.
How Does a PoE Injector Work?





When Ethernet switches or other devices lack PoE functionality but need to support Powered Devices (PDs) like PoE IP cameras, PoE wireless access points (WAPs), or PoE lighting, a PoE injector can supply power and data to these PDs over distances of up to 100 meters. Typically, a PoE injector converts alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC) to power low-voltage PoE devices.

Types of PoE Injectors:

1.Active vs. Passive PoE Injector:

A PoE injector following the IEEE 802.3af, IEEE 802.3at, or IEEE 802.3bt standards is known as an active PoE injector. These injectors require a handshake between the power sending and receiving PoE devices. If the receiving device does not provide the proper acknowledgment, the injector will not supply power, ensuring the safety of PoE devices. Active PoE injectors generally operate at a voltage of 44 to 57 volts DC.

In contrast, a passive PoE injector does not conform to the IEEE standards mentioned above. Passive PoE devices usually operate at voltages ranging from 18 to 48 volts DC. Connecting the wrong voltage may cause permanent electrical damage to the device.

2.12V vs. 24V vs. 48V PoE Injector:

PoE injectors can be categorized based on the output power voltage they provide, such as 12V, 24V, or 48V. When selecting a PoE injector, it is crucial to consider the voltage requirements of the powered PoE devices.

Additionally, PoE injectors can also vary based on port numbers, such as single-port PoE injectors, 2-port PoE injectors, and so on.

How to Use a PoE Injector?

PoE injectors excel at providing data and power to standard-based PoE, PoE+, and PoE++ compliant devices. In practical applications, a PoE injector acts as an intermediary between a non-PoE switch and PoE compliant devices, such as IP cameras or wireless access points, delivering power to them.

Take an IP camera as an example. The following steps illustrate the power supply process:

  1. Test all equipment to ensure the IP camera, PoE injector, and camera management system are functioning properly. Configure video and network settings before mounting the IP camera.
  2. Connect the Ethernet cable from the PoE injector's Power or PoE port to the IP camera's PoE port.
  3. Mount the IP camera in a well-lit area to capture clear images.
  4. Connect another Ethernet cable between the injector's Ethernet or Data port and the Ethernet switch.
  5. Plug the injector's power cord into a local AC electrical outlet.

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Industrial 8 Ports Full Gigabit Cloud Managed PoE Switch

Tom Yao


Remote monitor and control PoE ports from central Cloud, such as turn On/Off PoE, speed / priority / PoE budget settings; Includes one year free subscription; Also supports VLAN, QoS in local WEB GUI.


Provides 8*10/100/1000Base-T Ethernet PoE ports and 2*1000Base-X SFP Uplinks.


Each port up to 30W (IEEE802.3af/at), total 120W PoE power. POE Output Ports support POE Mode A. Power adapter is included and built-in the metal enclosure.

  • Q-PoE AND P-PoE 

Supports Q-PoE (Quick PoE) technology, which enables PoE power supply immediately upon switch startup without waiting for switch system software control. Support P-PoE (Perpetual PoE) technology, which enables PoE power supply without interruption when switch is restarting and restores network quickly.


Automatically identify PD devices for power supply without damaging non-PoE devices.

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What is Solar PoE Switch? Why do you need it in your solar system?

Tom Yao

Have you ever thought about integrating solar controller and PoE Switch and create a single powerful device that allows for solar energy management, battery management, and network data and power management and even has a capability to integrate to larger network? Today, we're thrilled to introduce our latest product line that's set to redefine the way you install, setup, and manage your solar power system! This is Solar PoE Switch. Prior to the PoE Switch, there is Solar, exactly, literally, that stands for Solar Controller and PoE Switch, 2 in 1, industrial PoE Switch with built-in Solar Power Controller. Before we jump right into the details, let's take a quick look at what Solar Controller and PoE Switches are, and how they work in Solar Power systems!

A Solar Controller is a vital component in solar power systems, one of the key function here is that acting as a smart battery charger to safeguard your battery from potential damage. When connecting a battery directly to solar panels without a control device, the risk of overcharging and subsequent damage due to excessive voltage and current becomes a concern. it plays a important role at the entire solar power system.

And as we all know, PoE switches simplify solar system connectivity by combining power and data transmission over a single cable. They enhance efficiency by reducing the need for separate power sources for connected devices in a solar setup. PoE switches facilitate centralized control and monitoring, optimizing the management of solar-powered devices in a streamlined manner.

LINOVISION Solar PoE Switch, is industrial PoE Switch with built-in solar charge controller, working directly with PV solar panels and batteries to supply non-stop PoE power for devices, this is a single highly integrated device that allows for solar energy management, battery management, and remote network data and power management and even has a capability to integrate to larger network!
You might wonder, why did we adopt this design? what would benefit your solar power system?

Combining the solar power controller with a PoE switch into a single fully integrated device offers several pros, here's what we thought through:

  1. Highly Integrated Design: Solar PoE Switch streamlines the installation and maintenance. Users only need to deal with one device instead of separately configuring and managing the solar controller and PoE switch, this integrated design allows for smoother energy flow within the system by optimizing the collaboration between components. From the cost perspective, purchasing a single unit is often a lower cost than buying two separate devices. Additionally, you will save on labor costs associated with installation and maintenance.
  1. Compact Size: The integrated design can decrease the number of devices and overall physical size, saving space. It can eliminate the need for separate cables, power supplies, making installation and maintenance much easier. This is particularly crucial in setups with limited space.
  1. Simplified Deployment and reduced system complexity: the integrated device reduces the complexity of configuring multiple components. Simplifying the device's installation process. It can decrease the technical complexity, especially for users with limited technical expertise.
Meanwhile, the reason we are excited about moving toward this line of products is that some pain points of the existing separate installation approach can be solved.
  1. Complexity of installation: Users would need to individually install solar power controllers and PoE switches, which could consume more time and require additional technical expertise. The configuration process may involve coordinating between different devices. Installing and managing two separate devices is more complex than installing a single integrated device.
  1. Space Occupancy: Independently deployed devices typically require more space, as they cannot be integrated into a relatively compact design. This can be a challenge in applications with space constraints.
  1. Technical Challenges: Configuring two separate devices may pose higher demands on technical personnel. Ensuring effective collaboration between the two systems may require additional technical expertise. Separate systems may require distinct maintenance and monitoring efforts for solar power and PoE networks. This can introduce additional complexity in troubleshooting issues and monitoring overall system performance.
  1. Lack of Integrated User Experience: Users might need to deal with independently sourced devices from different vendors, potentially involving different user interfaces and some incompatible issues.

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What's is SFP? What is used for? What's the benefit of SFP to industrial applications?

Tom Yao

Have you ever noticed that intriguing port on your PoE switch and the distinct cable connector that accompanies it? If not, you're about to discover its significance, especially in the realm of big scale networks and businesses requiring extensive network coverage.

Now, let's tackle the burning questions:

Q: What is the SFP, and what does it mean?A: The SFP port stands for Small Form-factor Pluggable port. It's a compact slot designed for SFP transceivers, allowing the insertion of hot-swappable modules. These modules facilitate the connection of fiber optic or copper Ethernet cables to the switch, commonly used for uplink connections in networks.
Q: What is it used for?A: The SFP port on a PoE switch serves multiple purposes. It's the go-to solution for high-speed data transfer, ranging from 10 gigabit (SFP+) to a staggering 400 gigabit (QSFP 56DD). This port excels in low latency, as evidenced by a meticulously crafted latency chart in microseconds. Moreover, it's the gateway to long-distance data connectivity, with some types, like Type ZX, boasting a maximum reach of up to 80km. Primarily, SFP ports facilitate uplink connections to other switches, routers, or network devices using fiber optic or copper Ethernet cables.

In industrial settings, the benefits of SFP ports in PoE switches are manifold:
  1. Flexibility in Connectivity: SFP ports offer a spectrum of connectivity options, accommodating both fiber optics and Ethernet cables. This versatility ensures seamless connections for different devices and diverse network setups.
  2. Enhanced Distance Reach with Fiber Optics: The integration of fiber optics extends the reach of industrial networks. Overcoming the limitations of standard Ethernet cabling, SFP ports enable longer transmission distances without signal degradation.
  3. Scalability and Easy Expansion: PoE switches equipped with SFP ports pave the way for scalable industrial networks. As your network grows, additional devices can be effortlessly integrated without the need for substantial infrastructure changes, providing a cost-effective and scalable solution.
  4. High-Speed Data Transfer: Crucial for applications requiring swift and reliable data transmission, SFP ports support high-speed data transfer. This capability is particularly vital in industrial settings where real-time data communication is an absolute necessity.

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Revolutionizing RV Power Systems: LINOVISION's Wide Voltage PoE Switch

Tom Yao

Understanding Traditional RV Power Systems and the Role of Inverters

Recreational vehicles (RVs) have always been about blending the comforts of home with the freedom of the road. A critical aspect of these comforts is the RV's electrical system. Traditionally, RVs use a combination of batteries, generators, and shore power to meet their electrical needs. Central to this system is the inverter, which converts DC power from the RV's batteries into AC power, enabling the use of household appliances and electronics on the road.

Challenges with Traditional Inverters in RVs

While inverters are integral to RV power systems, they come with several drawbacks:

  1. Energy Loss: Inverters are not 100% efficient. Some energy is lost in the conversion process, leading to reduced overall system efficiency.
  2. Space and Weight Concerns: Inverters add extra bulk and weight, which is always a consideration in space-conscious RV environments.
  3. Complexity and Maintenance: Installing and maintaining an inverter system can be complex and often requires professional assistance.

The Advantages of PoE (Power over Ethernet) Devices

PoE technology offers a streamlined approach to powering devices. By delivering power and data over a single Ethernet cable, it simplifies cabling requirements and reduces installation complexity. This is particularly advantageous in mobile environments like RVs, where space and simplicity are key.Introducing LINOVISION’s Wide Voltage Input PoE SwitchLINOVISION’s innovative Wide Voltage Input PoE Switch (DC12-48V to PoE IEEE802.3 af/at) stands out as a solution perfectly tailored for RV use. This switch can efficiently convert a wide range of input voltages to standard PoE, providing flexibility and compatibility with a variety of RV power systems.

Enhancing RV Power Systems with LINOVISION’s Wide Voltage input PoE Switch

The application of LINOVISION’s PoE Switch in RVs offers numerous benefits:

  1. Increased Efficiency: By directly converting DC power to PoE without the typical losses associated with inverters, it ensures more efficient use of the available power.
  2. Space-Saving Design: Its compact size is a significant advantage in the confined spaces of an RV.
  3. Simplicity: The PoE switch simplifies the RV’s electrical system by reducing the need for separate power and data cabling.
  4. Cost-Effective: Eliminating the need for an inverter reduces both upfront and long-term costs associated with purchasing and maintaining additional equipment.

LINOVISION’s Wide Voltage Input PoE Switch represents a significant leap forward in RV power management. By offering a more efficient, space-saving, and user-friendly alternative to traditional inverters, it enables RV enthusiasts to enjoy the comforts of modern technology while on the move, without the complexities and inefficiencies of the past.

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