Indoor Air Quality Monitoring
Indoor Air Quality Monitoring, The Key to Unlock Productivity in Workspaces.
What is indoor air quality monitoring, and why does it matter?
The US government’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines indoor air quality as “the quality of air in a home, school, office, or other building environment.” According to the EPA’s research, concentrations of key pollutants are up to five times higher indoors than outdoors. The best indoor air quality monitors gather information about these contaminants, as well as conditions like CO2 Concentration, TVOC, temperature, air pressure, and humidity that determine the quality of the air we breathe, which in turn affects how we feel and how well we work.
Substances like VOCs have a pronounced impact on our health. Over the long term, VOCs contribute to short-term issues like headache, inflammation of the eyes, nose and throat, and flare-ups of respiratory complaints. meanwhile, Critically, studies show that good indoor air quality has a profound effect on performance among building users, boosting cognitive scores, and cutting absenteeism.
When we think of the indoor working space or inside environmental monitoring, all sorts of images will come to mind, such as the meeting rooms, HVAC systems, filtration, and other electronic systems. However, it is the case that the office environment has often been ignored as factors that affect human activities and work performance. Therefore, it’s necessary to know how to utilize IoT devices LINOVISION AM107 air quality Monitor in an office monitoring and improve your well-being and work productivity.
When you monitor indoor air quality, it can reveal a need for better ventilation in a building, which may pose an immediate problem for facility managers. The construction industry puts greater emphasis on energy efficiency these days and, as a result, modern buildings are increasingly air-tight. Potentially, there‘s a trade-off between energy costs and higher quality air. Equally, property owners may be anxious that, if indoor air quality monitoring uncovers a problem, they’ll be held responsible for putting it right. However, using tech with the right sensors and reporting tools also presents a significant opportunity to move away from thinking about the building and its requirements to thinking primarily about the users of the building. This type of investment offers the potential to increase productivity and ROI, make the environment in the property more appealing to tenants, and demonstrate the true value of facility managers.
Core Benefit:
Boosting productivity:
There is clear and compelling evidence that a healthy indoor environment can improve the performance of workers: A study co-written by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health reveals that improved indoor environmental quality could boost decision making scores by 101%. It calculates that cognitive improvements from better quality air resulted in each employee generating on average an extra $17,000 each year. In 2018, the World Green Building Council published a report that shows a healthier work environment could cut sick leave by 58%, or four days per year per worker.
The evidence shows that better air in your building makes for productive and healthier employees, who think more clearly and work more effectively to generate more income for their employers. Indoor air quality gives facility managers an opportunity to boost productivity and ROI in their buildings, to the benefit of tenants and owners alike.
Key Measuring Factors:

CO2 is a major source of complaints of poor indoor air quality. Normally, a CO2 concentration less than 1,000ppm is considered satisfactory, but in crowded or badly ventilated rooms concentrations can reach 5,000ppm. When levels of CO2 are high, it can result in drowsiness, lethargy, and poor decision making. Again, the solution is supplying more fresh air.
TVOCs, these substances exist in modern cleaning products, paints, solvents, carpets, and furniture. They contribute to long-term problems like cardiovascular diseases. They also cause short-term issues, like headaches, inflammation of the nose, throat and eyes and flare ups of pneumonia or bronchitis. Such ailments cause absence from work or prevent employees from working at full capacity. They can be combated by changing to healthier products and by effective HVAC.
Humidity, temperature, and air pressure, these conditions affect how we feel and how we perform. They’re linked to complaints like headaches and migraines, variations in blood pressure, and joint pain, which are likely to impact employees’ productivity.
Lighting Adjustment,The lighting in the office affects visual perception. With the AM107 sensor, you can make data-based decisions to optimize the lighting system by utilizing natural light to auto deliver the right light at the right time. Reasonable lighting can not only protect your eyes and reduce fatigue but also reduce mistakes in the work.
Motion (PIR) Detection,You can predicate meeting room occupancy in the office through behavior extraction, which saves your time and improve efficiency. AM107 sensor can be an energy saver as well by shutting off lights in a meeting room when it senses no motion anymore.
Why use LINOVISION Indoor Air Quality Monitor for Business Solution?
1: Speedy Deployment, LINOVISION Air Quality Monitor Business solution is easy to deploy, installing AM107 Wireless Monitor as simple just like Mounting it on the wall. All data transmission Via LoRaWAN Wireless so its separate from current WiFi Network, Low-Power-Consumption makes the battery life up to 2 years, speaking of first time configuration via NFC, it could be done within a minute!
2: Economical solution for business, LINOVISION LoRaWAN Indoor Air Quality Monitor supports from 2km to 15km away long distance wireless transmission, but without high power consumption, the built-in battery in the monitor support up to 10 years battery life, it means that there is no need to replace the battery during the years, meanwhile, one Gateway supports up to 2,000 connections of monitors in a ultra wide area or campus. Easy Installation saves considerable amount of cost, It’s so called, Long-Range with Low Power Consumption, High capacity with Easy-Installation, Long-Time use with Extreme Low-Cost of maintenance Indoor Air Monitor solution for any business deployment.
3: Safety and secured transmission, LINOVISION LoRaWAN Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Solution Features end-to-end AES128 encryption, mutual authentication, integrity protection, and confidentiality, All data transmission Via LoRaWAN Wireless so its separate from current WiFi Network, All the data from monitors are fully protected by Bank-Level AES128bit encryption method.
4: Compatibility, LINOVISION Indoor Air Quality Monitoring solution, Wireless transmission Powered by LoRaWAN, the core infrastructure is built-on industrial open standard, The monitor node and Gateways are compatible to any LoRaWAN sensor and hubs, It’s easy for future project extension.
5: 7 in 1 Monitor, LINOVISION S500AM107 is dedicated designed for Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Solution for any size of building and offices, The most fundamental and essential key measuring factors are included in S500AM107, as CO2 Concentration, TVOC, Barometric Pressure, Temperature, Humidity, and even Light Intensity and Motion detection, Those are the key factors which are affecting one’s healthy and productivity, Tailor-Made for office and school buildings.
Where can it be used?
Office Buildings.
A lot of workers and users attend public administration buildings. Keeping the quality of the air inside them is important not only to provide comfort and the best environmental conditions possible to the workers, but it is also a key factor in the prevention of occupational hazards. A bad air quality can provoke health problems, which implies less productivity and sick leaves.
Students spend many hours daily inside classrooms, so indoor air quality in schools must reach the highest quality and comfort levels. The concentration of pollution agents spreading through the air can affect the health and the performance of teachers and students. Monitoring air quality helps with the ventilation strategy to reach a high air quality.
Key Advantages:
How the system works?
This IAQ sensor is required to connect to LoRaWAN Gateway and upload data to the cloud. One gateway supports 2,000 connections of sensors in an ultra wide area or campus. Administrators can then monitor and manage all of these sensors in one dashboard.
The LINOVISION IoT Air Quality Monitor solution for Business Gateway can connects up to 2000 battery operated monitors through LoRaWAN Wireless, a long range wireless data extraction technology that operates using very little power. This piece of kit allows monitors to be distributed throughout a large building so that indoor air quality data is available anytime and anywhere.
Wireless technology means that there is no need for a time-consuming installation, or ripping up walls and ceiling tiles. The latest indoor air quality monitors can be up and running in hours. They offer long battery life, so they don‘t take up valuable power outlets. And they use APIs, meaning that they can communicate wirelessly with other tech. Reporting and using the data they gather is as easy and seamless as possible.
The information generated by an indoor air quality monitor can be accessed remotely. It will provide genuine evidence to action work requests for HVAC or changes to your air quality regime. Data from the top sensors cover the following metrics.
This solution can be used in every size and shape of building, bringing sustainability and energy efficiency to any project at low cost. By installing the right indoor air quality monitoring system for your building, you’ve got the tools to improve indoor air quality and increase the health and well-being of all building users. The sensors will provide invaluable information that you can turn into insights and action.
Post time: May-09-2022